PRIVACY POLICY (from now on, the “Website”) is property of the company OJO7, LLC ( with address at: Avenue Patriotismo 229 - 7 floor, Col. San Pedro de los Pinos México, Benito Juárez Delegation, Mexico City, ZIP 03800 (from now on “”). You can contact us at

WHAT DOES / OJO7 DO WITH YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION? WHAT SERVICES DO WE PROVIDE TO OUR USERS? is an electronic platform through which our users can submit a request to receive credit (the “Services”), from a loan company that is part of our network (from now on, the “Loan Companies”). We do not grant credit, and we are not representatives or agents of the companies that do so. We receive your application, look for the best loan companies, and send them your information. Please read this notice and our terms and conditions of use carefully to fully understand our services.

We obtain your personal data to provide you with our services. We will ask you for your name, address, email, phone number, date of birth, and the following information depending on the product or loan you require: Identification number and registration date, name, address, telephone number, email, and driver's license number. Personal references from people close to you, such as your boss at work. Information about your bank account such as number account, and the following information about your employment. Credit and asset history, including whether you live in rental or own housing, source of income, how your salary is paid, the length of time you have been with your company and with your bank, and the payment dates of your two upcoming salaries. The IP address of your computer, browsing, and registration data, and the desired amount for your loan. The following information we collect from third parties, such as credit reporting agencies, affiliates, lead generators, and other companies.

PLEASE NOTE THAT EXCEPT FOR YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, EMAIL, AND PHONE NUMBER, YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION IS NOT PROCESSED, OR STORED, IN ANY WAY BY / OJO7. WE OBTAIN INFORMATION FROM OUR USERS THROUGH CREDIT APPLICATIONS AND SEND IT TO THE LOAN COMPANIES WITHOUT USING IT FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE - WE DO NOT SEE, STORE, ACCESS OR TREAT IT IN ANY WAY. FROM NOW ON, THE INFORMATION WE DO KEEP (NAME, ADDRESS, EMAIL AND PHONE NUMBER) IS REFERRED TO IN THIS NOTICE AS “CONTACT INFORMATION.” We use cookies to allow faster and easier access to your account information, as well as to monitor website traffic and analyze traffic patterns to improve the website. We may combine your personal information collected by us with other information about you that we receive from third parties and set out above to ensure that our records of loan information requests are accurate. Cookies can be disabled as follows.

Internet Explorer: Tools → Internet Options → Privacy → Settings. For more information, you can consult Microsoft support or browser Help.
Firefox: Tools → Options → Privacy → History → Custom Settings.
For more information, you can consult Mozilla support or the browser Help.
Chrome: Settings → Show advanced options → Privacy → Content settings. For more information, you can consult Google support or browser Help.
Safari: Preferences (Cmd⌘ + ,) → Privacy panel → Block Cookies. For more information, you can consult Apple Support or Browser Help.

If you authorize us, we may use your Contact Information to offer you other services and products, ours or third parties, that we believe may be of interest to you. Likewise, we reiterate that you accept the sending of direct messages related to the services that /OJO7 may have, which may not be limited in the use of the promotion of these and adhere to the PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION ACT OF. If you do not agree that we use your information for these secondary purposes, please send an email now to or, at any time, unsubscribe from this type of notification using the “opt-out” that is included in our communications.

To provide you with our Services, we must share your personal information with the Loan Companies. In the next section, we list the reasons why we share our customers' personal information; and those cases section, in which the transfer is considered permitted in terms of the relevant law. If the sale of part or all of our businesses is negotiated, the information of our clients and visitors to our website will be shared anonymously and dissociated with potential buyers. If the sale is completed, your Contact Information would have to be transferred to third parties to fulfill the secondary purposes indicated above. In such case, the transferred information may be subject to a different privacy notice which, if applicable, will be made available to you at the relevant time.

To unsubscribe To not receive future communications by email or instant messaging (SMS), request it through our contact section, providing your information and the action you require us to take.

Do you have questions?
If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy or to request a change in the way we share your information, please contact us at:

You, as a user of our Website and owner of your personal information, have the right to: (a) access your personal data, (b) rectify them if they are outdated, inaccurate, or incomplete, (cancel them when you consider that they are not are being used following the applicable principles, duties and obligations, to the extent that these are not necessary to comply with the obligations derived from our relationship and as permitted by applicable legislation, or (d) oppose the processing of the data for specific purposes. These rights are known as “Privacy Act of 2012”.

Please send your communication to, accompanied by the following information and documentation:

Identification data of you and/or your legal representative. If the application is submitted through a legal representative, a copy of the document proving that status must be attached. The documents can be scanned and attached to the email to verify their veracity.
The clear and precise description of the personal data concerning which you seek to exercise the PRIVACY ACT OF 2012, as well as the right or rights that you wish to exercise, which may be done in the text of the email or a scanned and duly attached document. Signed at the end of it and initialed at the bottom of each of the pages. Expressly indicate your desire to receive the Controller's response to your request via email, indicating the corresponding email address. Copy of your official identification and, if applicable, your legal representative. The documents can be scanned and attached to the email to verify their veracity.
Once the request to exercise the Privacy Act of 2012 is at our disposal, the response will be issued within no more than 20 (twenty) business days from its receipt.
You will have a period of 15 (fifteen) business days to give us a response. If you do not respond to our response within the indicated period, we will understand in good faith that you agree with the response.
If the request to exercise the Privacy Act of 2012 is about the exercise of the right of access, we will make your information or personal data available to you through simple copies and/or electronic documents.
As the person responsible for your data, we may deny the exercise of the Privacy Act of 2012 in the cases permitted by applicable legislation, so you must be informed of the reason for said refusal. The refusal may be partial, in which case we will carry out access, rectification, cancellation, or opposition in the appropriate part.

You, as the owner of the Personal Data, can revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data following the same procedure as for the exercise of your Privacy Act of 2012, with the understanding that once your revocation request is at our disposal, We will issue our response within a maximum period of 5 (five) business days.

You, as the owner of your personal data, can limit the use or disclosure thereof by following the same procedure as for the exercise of your Privacy Act of 2012, with the understanding that once your request is at our disposal, we will issue our response in a period of no more than 5 (five) business days.

How does OJO7 protect my personal information?
To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use physical, administrative, and technological security measures. Such measures include security devices, files, and protected buildings. Unless specified on our website, we do not use encryption systems.

Other important information
We inform you that we may modify our privacy notice from time to time, which will be made known to our users by publishing the modified notice on the Website. We ask that you review the site whenever you interact with us to ensure that you are aware of our existing privacy policies. All modified terms will automatically come into effect when posted on the website. Your continued use of our website after the aforementioned changes implies your agreement with said changes. The notice will include the date of its last version, for the ease of reference of our users.

When you enter or use our website, third-party advertising will be displayed. The advertiser never has access to your information. However, these advertisers may use their own tracking technologies, including cookies, to collect information about you and other users of this website who view or interact with their advertisements. Please note that when you click on an advertisement on our website you may be directed to a different website managed by a third party. The information processing practices of third parties are not covered by this notice. You should review the privacy notices and terms of use of the third-party websites you access.

By providing us with your personal data, giving us your express consent when you click on the consent box that appears as part of your request form, and using our services, you expressly acknowledge and accept this privacy notice, so said Consent grants us the power to process your personal data in the manner indicated herein and in strict accordance with applicable legislation.